Don’t Miss this Netflix Movie

It’s a documentary featuring Woody Harrelson, called Kiss the Ground. But please, he is not the star.

The supporting actors of the movie are the regenerative farmers around the world doing the good work of healing the Earth. The star? Well, that’s the soil of course.

I urge you to spend an evening and learn about all the things we are doing wrong and can do better. If more of us know about it, we can make change.

I have often heard climate scientists refer to our biosphere as a bathtub. We are filling it with water to the point that it is overflowing and dangerous to all of us. Shutting off the spigot requires the end of fossil fuels. But that’s only part of the solution, isn’t it? We still have a full bathtub. The other part of the solution is pulling the drain. (Or, as scientists refer to it, carbon requestration…removing CO2.)

I also wrote a blogpost stretching toward this subject awhile back. It’s about organic cotton and soil enrichment, growing practices, and the consumer role in all of this.

Here’s the trailer. If you can, let’s all get onboard.

Kiss the Ground.