Don’t Miss this Netflix Movie

It’s a documentary featuring Woody Harrelson, called Kiss the Ground. But please, he is not the star.

The supporting actors of the movie are the regenerative farmers around the world doing the good work of healing the Earth. The star? Well, that’s the soil of course.

I urge you to spend an evening and learn about all the things we are doing wrong and can do better. If more of us know about it, we can make change.

I have often heard climate scientists refer to our biosphere as a bathtub. We are filling it with water to the point that it is overflowing and dangerous to all of us. Shutting off the spigot requires the end of fossil fuels. But that’s only part of the solution, isn’t it? We still have a full bathtub. The other part of the solution is pulling the drain. (Or, as scientists refer to it, carbon requestration…removing CO2.)

I also wrote a blogpost stretching toward this subject awhile back. It’s about organic cotton and soil enrichment, growing practices, and the consumer role in all of this.

Here’s the trailer. If you can, let’s all get onboard.

Kiss the Ground.

Introducing the EN-Roads Sustainability Modeling Tool

I want to introduce you to one of the most comprehensive and accurate climate interactive modeling tools available. This tool was developed by MIT Sloan, using real world data that gets updated on a regular basis. It allows the user to dive deep into different types of scenarios to study the effects of policy changes on emissions, green house gases, land use, and final energy consumption.

EN ROADS Tool. Start here.

It is by far, one of the most useful tools I’ve seen. If you take a few moments to use the slider bars at the bottom, you can begin to understand which actions will have the greatest impact. It will quickly become clear that many actions need to be taken simultaneously. The goal is to get down to 1.5 degrees C to avoid catastrophic and cascading events…like lack of food supply, water, housing disruptions, migrations, extinctions and even human habitability.

It can be done.

But it will take a will of iron and many, many more of us to recognize the danger and implications of NOT acting.

I invite you to participate.

You are part of the planet. You depend on the planet.

Understand the issues and get involved. I hope to make that easier on this website.

Welcome to the New Reality

Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. (we are essentially carbon neutral).

Or more colloquially…

I beg your pardon.

I never promised you a rose garden.

Actually, it’s our turn to save the rose garden. And the vegetables. And the oceans. And the dirt. And most importantly the very air we breathe.

We’re all in this together and we cannot escape. Unless, of course, you’re a billionaire who can spend lots of money to escape for moments at a time.

But if you live and work and breathe here on Earth, we have a job to do. Our job is to stop wasting resources, end fossil fuels, and learn to live a more sustainable existence in cooperation and not exploitation of this one great, nurturing provider of a planet.

We must change basically everything, and that will not be easy. Starting with ourselves. If you haven’t noticed, this website is designed to help me cope with the changes along the way. I recognize that I cannot do it alone…physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

I invite you to get on board, and tell your stories as well. Whether it’s the hurricane you lived through, the power outage, the wildfire you fled, to just a simple transition to eating less meat or doing your best to eliminate single use plastics.

It’s my goal to provide you with information, based on science, in simple, easy-to-use articles, references and guides.

No one can do this alone. We must all join hands. (Clean, washed hands.)

A good place to start is the RESOURCES page on this website. Every journey starts with a single step, and for some of us, it means education. I know that’s where it all starts for me.

Are you ready to be a part of the solution? Let’s go!