
This site is about us.

These are tough times.

Whether we want to face it or not, the climate emergency is here.

And that means we are going to have to change. Either we will manage it like adults, decide to do the best possible things, or we will change anyway…forced by the ecosystem we live in. Forced by the changing environment around us. Think of the pandemic. We’ve had to change the way we live our daily lives, from the inconvenience of wearing a mask at the grocery store, to conditioning ourselves to be concerned with the lives and health of our loved ones, schools, all of it. We were forced into those changes. And they are necessary.

I am not a scientist.

But I am someone who follows scientists and listens to them and others who do the primary research.

The climate situation is dire, but not hopeless. We can still have an impact.

But it will take a toll on us emotionally, financially, psychologically, and physically. Some will lose their homes, others their livelihoods. Some will face scarcity or be forced to find sources of food and water. We may not have the ability to feed everyone.

None of us is prepared for what is to come.

That’s what this site is meant to do: To help us to prepare, to manage, to cope, to commiserate, if necessary.

None of us will escape change. But we all do better when we face it together.

I am not setting any high bars for myself. While I drive a hybrid car, I’m waiting for EV’s to be more widespread, with infrastructure to support them.

So we are all in the same boat. Used to certain lifestyles, seasons, traditions. So much of that is likely to change. How well we handle that change depends on us.

Let’s do it together.

With love for our entire planet,


P.S. You can contact me at Carol.Edgestitch@gmail.com