This chart is from Chapter 5, p.45. It’s a section about social and individual choices and ability to make change. Of course we need government and business and widespread changes in policy.
However, between 10-30% of committed individuals are required to set new social norms. (That’s in the report). So that’s our job. To be the ones who are committed.
That said, the report is clear about what we can do:
- Drive less or not at all. Walk, use a bike, get an EV (electric vehicle). It’s that critical. It’s the single most important thing we can all do and will have the most impact. Above everything else.
- Fly less or not at all. Take one less long trip via air. Or please stop traveling by air.
- Use public transportation.
- Use fewer appliances, or less energy overall. Turn up your air conditioning so it’s not so cold. Switch to electric stoves, or induction cooking (for friends in the Midwest). Turn off appliances when you can.
- Stop eating meat. Or at least eat further down the food chain. Beef is the worst culprit and the Amazon rainforest, the lungs of the planet, is being burned to the ground for pasture land for cattle to supply places like McDonald’s, Walmart etc. Put down the beef and use ground turkey or plant-based patties, or give up meat all together. You’d be surprised at alternatives and you will likely be healthier too.
Yes, industries will be affected. Forewarned is forearmed. We don’t have a choice.
These things are doable right now. If I sound desperate, it’s because I am getting there. Reading the IPCC report is a Master Class in humility, responsibility and comprehension.
I am guilty.
But as Maya Angelou used to say, “When we know better, we do better.”
I plan to do better. Please join me.